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KIT & 100 CLUB

Kit can be ordered from our Team shop at Football Nation:

The 100 Club was set up by the club to help fund kit (balls, caps etc). 50% of the funds taken in are paid out each month in prize money with the other 50% going to the club.

How It Works:

There are 100 numbers ‘for sale’.  Each number costs £5 per month (paid by Standing Order). You can have as many numbers as you like, in multiples of £5.

There is a monthly prize draw. 50% of the revenue generated each month is paid out in prize money. If there are under 50 numbers taken there is a 1st, 2nd & 3rd prize drawn. Over 50 numbers and a 4th place number is also drawn.

If you would like the chance to win a share of up to £250 each month, please get in touch.

Any member of the 100 Club is entitled to a 50% discount on all Warrender Water Polo kit.

For any 100 Club queries, or if you wish to join, please contact us

Kit & 100 Club: Text
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